Showing posts with the label Microcopy


Don’t sweat the small stuff is our anti-motto. We love the small stuff. It should be sweated!  Microcopy is the ant of the content biosphere. Tiny individuals working together to support the whole; often overlooked; and almost eerily powerful. It's only metaphorically ants. Really, microcopy is the small snippets of text that populate buttons, menus, calls to action, error messages. If you can't fit a sentence there, it's microcopy. Its smallness can give rise to the assumption that microcopy has less importance than its more complex friends, the sentences that make up Big Copy. How important is it really to decide between a button labeled 'OK' and one labeled 'Go'? As with every kind of copy, we like to make it work hard - as your content, it's a part of your product, and that means it has to earn its place in the business . And the value microcopy can add far exceeds it size. Just have a look at this button, offering a free month's trial of a produ